Greetings to all,
One of the reasons that I do NOT eat “junk food,” i.e. food high in calories and low in nutrients, is that buying these products sustains industries bent on harming our health… so that we later on will need pharmaceuticals.
We vote with our $… so vote wisely! It may be more expensive to support your local farmer, yet in the long run, you are going to feel better physically, and emotionally as well because good deeds raise your energy.
Writing petitions and marching against GMOs and glyphosate may be good, yet if people would simply stop buying poisoned foods, the industry would have to change, since they need to make a profit.
The average American consumes around 150 pounds of food additives per year. Are you an average American or are you choosing wisely?
Will you eliminate artificial/manufactured foods from your lifestyle?
Will you fade out commercially grown foods (often laced with pesticides and insecticides) for organically grown produce, especially if they are grown using regenerative agriculture, which we should encourage?
Think about animals raised in confined environments, eating foods not suited for their species. Becoming vegan or vegetarian is not the answer, as most people do need some kind of animal proteins for their health. Choose the meat you eat wisely! Check that beef is grass-fed/grass-finished, that chickens have had pastures to run around and that fish are caught in the wild, and not farm-raised.
I used to drink orange juice that was “NOT from concentrate.” It tasted great. One day, somebody asked me how I explained the consistency of color and taste among the thousands of bottles offered. I had to think: it does not make sense. When you press your own orange juice, it will never be quite the same. In order to keep color and taste consistent, you have to add coloring and flavoring (natural or chemical), which do not appear on the label, as they are part of the GRAS list: Generally Regarded As Safe. How many GRAS ingredients are added to our food? Nobody knows. It does not need to be labeled.
In order to stay healthy, we also need to attend to our mental and emotional needs. I ask my clients to make a list of 20 things that they enjoy doing, from taking a bubble bath with candles to reading a book, playing golf, horseback riding to traveling…
Many have a problem writing that list. They don’t even remember what they enjoy/ed.
Once you have 20 things that you enjoy doing, put a $ in front if the activity requires money, or even $$$ if it is a rather expensive one.
Then, add a “P” for the activities that require other people to join with you.
Next, put a date on when you engaged in the activities for the last time.
Finally, choose 3 activities that you commit to enjoy during the following month. Write it down: “This month, I commit to engage in…………………………………
Rest, relaxation, play, movements are all important to keep us in optimal health.
Are you committed to improving your health? Take it step-by-step. What food habit will you implement? What joyful activities will you engage in?
If we listen to the regular media, we hear a lot of frightening news regarding climate change and over-population. Cities may be over-populated, yet if you take a ride through Montana for example, you will quickly realize that it is not over-populated.
When I was raising my children, the “over-population” problem was already in the news. At the same time, I was reading books demonstrating that the Earth could easily sustain 10 times more people. We do have the resources and yes, they need to be distributed more equitably.
I just came across an interview with Marian Tupy and his book, “Superabondance.” Although I don’t agree with some of his ideas, he offers an uplifting and different view to the climate change and over-population fear mongering.
Here is the link to the interview.
Keep up the good work and