How Are You Spending Your Energy $
Cancer: 26,000 people per day death toll - Programmed to Grieve?
Greetings to all,
It seems this idea of having energy $ (or other currency) comes from Chinese wisdom.
Let’s say, as an example, that you wake up daily with a 100 energy $; let’s call that E$100. It’s for you to spend as you wish during the day.
One day, you wake up on the wrong foot, and start the day arguing with your spouse or your children… that costs you E$20.00. In a hurry to go to work, you spill your coffee onto your blouse/shirt. Another E$10.00 is gone.
Traffic, traffic… you get upset by the “jerk” who just cut you off. Lost another E$15.00.
At work, too many demands on your time get you stressed out: Minus E$20.00.
It’s not even noon, and you only have E$35.00 left.
How will the rest of your day go?
Not all is lost. You understand the addition and subtraction of E$. You decide to take a break for lunch, eat a healthy meal that you will enjoy in a park. You gain E$25.00.
The afternoon is quite stressful and you lose E$25.00. On your way back home, traffic again. There is an accident on the freeway and you will be stuck for another half hour. Do you calmly take that moment to listen to your favorite music and meditate… or do you get upset? Win or lose E$? Well, you did not do well that day, and lost another E$20.
You get home to your kids and spouse with E$15.00. Is that going to sustain you for the evening? Are you kids going to be rowdy or charming? Is your spouse upset or supportive? Or are you going home to an empty house?
What happens if you dip below your allotted E$100 for the day?
Just like some people are born into millions/billions of dollars, you may have been born lucky, and you have a huge savings account of E$. In case you dip under your E$100/day, you get to take some of your savings out. No big deal. That’s why some people can smoke, drink and be merry… and never get sick.
If, like most people, you get an average savings account, and you dip into it too often it may become depleted. No more E$… and that’s how dis-eases start. Not enough energy to keep your healthy.
Take heart: you can constantly add to your E$ savings account by having a healthy lifestyle, meaning proper food, movement, nature, rest and relaxation, sunshine and good sleep. Of equal importance, you need to deal with your emotions and your mindset.
I became acquainted with the above metaphor several decades ago, and it made a lasting impression on me.
Ask yourself:
How am I spending my E$?
How big is my savings account? You may not know, until you are in debt (i.e. sick)
How do I accrue my E$ savings account in case I go through rough times?
Let me know!
In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared a War on Cancer, stating that cancer would be cured by 1976. Did it happen? Unfortunately, no.
Globally, 26,000 people a day die from cancer. In 2020, 1600 Americans died of cancer, every day. The latest statistics state that 50% of Americans will die of cancer. Look around you: 50% of the people you see will face cancer!
I have learned over many decades that cancer has an emotional cause related to it, which is neglected in today’s climate. We go to war: surgery (I had 13 surgeries for skin cancer in my teens), radiation, chemo…
Nothing about lifestyle and emotional causes!
Some people, from the “alternative” side, believe that cancer is caused by constant excessive stress, and that cancer is a survival mechanism. Removing the stressor(s) removes the cancer. There’s been quite a bit of encouraging news along these lines.
I’ll continue this discussion in further issues of this newsletter.
I mentioned that my mother passed away on January 30, and that the grief I was experiencing was nothing like anything I had faced before.
Friends, colleagues, pets died. Dreams were lost. I did grieve, yet to a lesser degree.
I bottled up the pain of my grand-father’s passing for some 40 years and finally grieved our separation. He had been a great supporter of my dream of becoming a physician, a neurosurgeon. If he had not died, I probably would not have set foot on US soil. So many things changed after his passing that set me in a different direction.
Today, I’ve been wondering if we are pre-programmed to experience grief in a certain way. If we follow the “program,” we come out on the other side with more wisdom, more empathy, and more strength.
Years ago, I had a client whose son had died 25 years prior to our meeting. She was still talking about it as if he had died the previous week. She immediately started to take anti-depressants, so as not to feel the pain. It did numb her feelings… was it worth the cost?
Grieving the loss of a child or a parent is excruciating (I thought my lungs/heart would burst), yet the pain evolves somehow. That’s why I have been wondering if there is a subconscious programming that is operational in these situations, and that we have to let the program run its course. Oh yes, I still miss Mom so much, yet I am crying more calmly these days, and so does my dad.
Emotion, e-motion, is energy-in-motion. It’s when that energy gets stuck that we face problems, dis-eases.
Allow your emotions to circulate… they are neither good, nor bad… they just are. That’s what makes you human.
Keep on living with